Interactive Database for Object Selection Techniques in Consumer VR Applications


This interactive database aims to capture a snapshot of selection techniques in consumer VR applications.
It is open to community contributions and will be updated with selection entries from new and popular VR applications.

Contribution Guidelines
  • Identify a New Scenario: For each new VR selection scenario, locate a relevant YouTube video and note the timestamp that best represents the scenario. Use the coding manual below to categorize each variable according to the provided taxonomy.
  • Submit a Pull Request: Fork the ISUE/vr_selections repository and edit the data_website.csv file to include your new scenario(s). Create a pull request to submit your changes.
  • Review and Approval: Our team will review your submission, and once approved, it will be merged. The new database entries will then be reflected on the website. If accounting for new scenarios requires updating the taxonomy, please open a discussion on ISUE/vr_selections and we will review it.

If you find this database and taxonomy useful in your work, please consider citing the publication that this work is a part of:

      author = {Maslych, Mykola and Yu, Difeng and Ghasemaghaei, Amirpouya and
        Hmaiti, Yahya and Martinez, Esteban Segarra and Simon, Dominic and
        Taranta, Eugene Matthew and Bergstr{\"o}m, Joanna and LaViola Jr, Joseph J.},
      booktitle = {2024 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR)}, 
      title = {From Research to Practice: Survey and Taxonomy of Object Selection in Consumer VR Applications},
      url = {},
      publisher = {IEEE},
      address = {Piscataway, NJ, USA},
      location = {Seattle, WA, USA},
      series = {ISMAR '24},
      pages = {990--999},
      month = {October},
      year = {2024},
We are also thankful to Tam T. Nguyen, Taras Maslych, and Marco Emporio for their ideas and support in the creation of this page.
Coding Manual and the Taxonomy
Click on categories to expand definitions and examples
Where taxonomy
Reference Frame
Body-referenced objects follow the movement of a user's body part.
Hand-referenced objects are attached to one or both hands of the user. An example of this are 2D UI elements on a menu that follows the user's non-dominant hand, selectable with a ray controlled by the user's dominant hand.
Example: Selection from hand-referenced UI.

Target Type
How taxonomy


