Qun Zhou (QZ)
Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Central Florida
HEC 358
Email: qun.zhou@ucf.edu
Tel: (407)-823-3284
Fax: (407)-823-5835
Short Bio
Dr. Qun Zhou is an Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering at University of Central Florida. She received her Ph.D. from Iowa State University under supervision of Professor Chen-Ching Liu and Professor Leigh Tesfatsion. Dr. Zhou worked at GE Grid Solutions as a power system engineer and developed electricity market engines. Her research is focused on data analytics to enhance consumer engagement and renewable energy in smart infrastructure systems.
Research Areas
Smart infrastructure systems, data analytics, consumer engagement, solar energy, energy forecasting, and power economics.
Open Positions
I am looking for highly motivated students who have strong background in power systems, statistics and optimization. If you are interested, please email Dr. Zhou with your CV and transcript. International students should also send TOEFL and GRE scores.